Thursday, October 27, 2011

scissors !!!!!

over the last couple of weeks we have been learning how to use scissors!
we have some special rules about using scissors :)
 1) only when we're sitting by the table and 2) only for paper

we sing this song: tune (the farmer in the dell...)
the thumb goes in the thumb place , the fingers go together,
this is how we put our fingers when we hold a scissor..

the we practiced opening and closing opening and closing...

"all about me"

this week we started a new unit "all about me". we discussed which of our friends are girls and which of our friends are boys.

we sing the song : Tune ( and b-i -n-g -o was his name)
 we have a  girl in our class and __manya___  is her name
 m-a n-y -a  x3  manya is her name

we have a boy in our class and ____ is his name etc...

we made girl and boy puppets

we traced our bodies on paper , colored and cut out pictures of body parts.

we love to sing the song head shoulders knees and toes....we know almost all the words and all the actions

Sunday, October 23, 2011

a peek at last week

Wow!! what a special sukkos treat! We made edible sukkos out of graham cookies, preztels, a sour stick and marshmellow fluff. some of us tried to make it 3d some were just happy witha 2d sukkah :)

we ate lunch outside in the sukkah!

a peek at last week

we painted and decorated flags to dance with on simchas torah. we took pictures holding a torah to put on our flags. we stuck flower stickers on our flags to make them look even more beautiful :)