Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pre Shavuos Activities

We had an extra special activity in honor of Shavuos. We decorated ice cream with all sorts of fun toppings!

We made our beautiful mountain book to go along with the "i am a mountain" song that we love to sing in honor of Shavuos.

We decorated covers for our  Torahs with shiny sequins and glue.



How happy we were to see that our caterpillars had turned into butterflies when we came in one morning. We gave them oranges to eat and then took our butterflies outside and let them fly away.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We have three caterpillar friends in our classroom! Every day we observe them to see how they change. When they first arrived they were so tiny we could hardly see them . Then they ate and they grew bigger and bigger. We were fascinated by how much they grew over the weekend. Now they are all sleeping in their cocoons...We are eagerly waiting to see how they turn into butterflies.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Earth, Planting and seeds. We spoke about planting ,seeds, and earth. We saw so many different types of seeds. We made a little book of how seeds grow. They need water and sun to grow into flowers, trees and plants. We made earth collages with different seeds.