Tuesday, October 1, 2013


This week we started with the color blue. Our Morah took out so many blue objects for us to hold at circle time.
Matthew holding a blue fish

Chaim Tal holding a blue crayon

Daniella looking through a blue block to see our whole room turn blue!

We painted with blue paint.

We made collages with glue and a variety of blue materials such as blue tissue paper, blue pompoms, blue feathers, blue foam pieces, etc

Some of our friends helped to sort out our colorful foam pieces and were able to pick out all the blue pieces!!!


What a fun week we had in school last week celebrating the Jewish holiday of Sukkos. We sang songs about building a sukkah . We saw the lulav and esrog plants/fruit that we make a blessing on. We even ate lunch outside in our very own Sukkah in our back yard.