Sunday, April 29, 2012


We continued our unit on "our world" with a discussion about water. We spoke about the water that is in the sky (and clouds), and the water that fills the oceans and seas. Ocean water is not for drinking (because it is salty) but water that comes from the sky (rain water) is good for us to drink.Water is very important. We need water to exist as do animals and plants. Fish need water to survive. We saw pictures of all different types of fish including sharks, whales, sea horse, goldfish, etc

Under the seas and oceans as well as near them we find sand and sea shells. Sea shells are shells or outer skins of an animal that lives in the sea. The shell is part of the body of the animal. Empty seashells are often found washed up on beaches . The shells are empty because the animal has died and the soft parts have been eaten by other animals.

We held up blue paper for the water in the sky and threw it down as we sang our rain songs.

We saw and touched seashells at circle time.

We made our own water collages with blue materials, sand, and fish.

We had so much fun playing with sand in the sensory  table.

painting a yellow sun

Monday, April 23, 2012

"our world"

We started a new topic on "our world". We spoke about the SUN. The sun is a source of heat and light. At night time the MOON and stars come out, and it gets dark. The moon doesn't have it's own light like the sun. We explored different types of light, a candle, a flashlight, electric lights etc. 
We spoke about shadows. We saw a shadow of a chair in our classroom. When we were outside we used chalk to trace our shadows! As we waved our hands we saw that our shadow also "waved". 

Inna saw her own shadow together with the shadow of the bike that she was riding.

Happy faces!

Arik's shadow

We used a black paper to symbolize the night time and we stuck on a moon and star stickers!

Yay!! all 10 of us were in school this past week :-) :-)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


We spoke about the color pink today!

We saw how by mixing two colors together, red and white, we made the color PINK.

We made pink collages out of different pink materials. We painted with pink pipe cleaners and pink paint. 

We did different exercises with pink scarves:)